Look Forward gives you a glimpse of the Salon Traffic, the Fédération du prêt-à-porter féminin’s major event. The closing conference, organised in partnership with Showroomprivé.com and moderated by Fabrice Jonas (Modelab), gathered Nicolas Latour (Digital University DDB), Antoine Millien (Fabernovel ...

Today we meet Muchaneta Kapfunde, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of FashNerd.com. Muchaneta has strong knowledge of the merger of fashion and technology. Focusing on the evolution of smart fabrics, she has given talks at events like #FashionTech Berlin, Munich Fabric Start and ...

Today we meet Ivann and Stephen, founders of Boxia. They share with us post-purchase experiences, customer loyalty improvement views, and their long-lasting friendship !   Ivann and Stephen, the founders What’s the Boxia concept? Boxia is an online platform for ...