Apple sells 13 million iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in just 3 days


Apple loves to break its own records, especially when it comes to iPhone sales. Last year, Apple sold 10 million iPhone 6 and 6 Plus units during the opening weekend of sales, and this year, many were skeptical as to whether Apple could outdo itself again. After the first weekend of sales, however, Apple announced that it sold 13 million iPhone 6S and 6S Plus units in three days.

It’s an astonishing number of iPhones, especially considering that this is an S year, and the differences between the 6S and last year’s iPhone 6 are relatively minimal. Of course, those who didn’t upgrade last year may have decided to do so this time around, and the camera upgrades were undoubtedly appealing to iPhone users. Also, the fact that China was one of Apple’s initial launch partners may have boosted sales.

“Sales for iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus have been phenomenal, blowing past any previous first weekend sales results in Apple’s history,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook. “Customers’ feedback is incredible and they are loving 3D Touch and Live Photos, and we can’t wait to bring iPhone 6S and iPhone 6s Plus to customers in even more countries on October 9.”

Both of the new iPhones will arrive in another 40+ countries on October 9 including Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, and Taiwan. One day later, on October 10, Apple will launch the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus in Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. By October 16, the new iPhones will be available in India, Malaysia, and Turkey. Apple intends to have the new iPhones on sale in more than 130 countries before the end of 2015.
Related: Read our review of the iPhone 6S Plus
The addition of so many countries in the last few months before the close of 2015 will certainly boost iPhone 6S and 6S Plus sales worldwide. It will be interesting to see how high the sales figures rise, and how they compare to last year’s numbers. If you’re interesting in getting one yourself, check out our iPhone 6S and 6S Plus buying guide.