Adult Site Pornhub Announces New Category Devoted To Virtual Reality


If there’s one industry that has quite literally embraced the concept of virtual reality it’s the porn industry.

Well now one of the world’s largest adult websites, Pornhub has announced that it is creating a dedicated section for virtual reality content.

Previously resigned to the fringes of technology conferences and adult entertainment expos, virtual reality porn has since grown to become a legitimate category within the industry and Pornhub’s move signifies that the technology is fast moving from the world of new adopters to the mainstream.

For starters 2016 is going to see a huge increase in VR users, with the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Gear VR supporting mobile audiences to Oculus Rift catering the PC gaming crowd.

Both will be compatible with Pornhub’s new free selection as well as Google’s own Cardboard virtual reality headset for Android and iOS.