Uber is bringing in-cab entertainment to your mobile device


​Not content with simply ferrying passengers from one place to another, Uber now wants to entertain us on the journey.

The taxi operator has announced Trip Experiences, an in-cab service that brings users things to do based on the length of their journey and their destination.

With the user’s permission, the service draws content from third-party apps so passengers have music, news updates, and information about their destination to keep them occupied.

For instance, if your journey is due to last for 20 minutes, Trip Experiences might hook you up with a 10-minute playlist to entertain you along the way.

Uber wants to assure users that they will be in control of the entertainment they are served, with the power to dismiss adverts or content that doesn’t interest them.

“We know that people’s time is precious and sometimes passengers just want to sit back and relax in peace. So users will be in complete control. They will need to give permission before any app can connect to Uber and access their trip details,” said the firm in a blog post.

“And if they find it’s not useful, users will be able to turn off the feature on an app by app basis.”

Developers have been granted access to Trip Experiences so they can bring their wares to the Uber app, so it shouldn’t be long before it finds its way to the passenger seats of its taxi fleet.