LG Friends developers site opens, marketplace to be added


LG has launched a dedicated online site for LG Friends — the group of accessories for the modular G5 — and will later launch a marketplace where developers can buy and sell their own products compatible with the G5.

Those in South Korea, the US, the UK and the UAE can go to the LG Friends website and directly purchase Cam Plus, Hi-Fi Plus with B&O Play, 360VR, 360CAM, Rolling Bot and LG Tone Platinum HBS-1100. Its availability will soon be expanded to other countries.

At a later date, the marketplace will be opened for developers who make a “certified” Friend to register on the site. Successful modules will be co-developed with the company before being available to buy.

A community page will also be added for developers to share their reviews on existing and potential future LG Friends modules.

The South Korean tech giant made the announcement at a developers conference in San Francisco attended by 200 developers, following the one held in Korea last month where it announced its software and hardware development kits.

In its home country, competition is underway for developers to pitch their idea for a new addition to LG Friends before April 30.

LG is pinning big hopes on it modular concept to its own mobile ecosystem, and plans to continue the design for later phones.

LG began global sales of the flagship phone last month. The companymay post a record profit for the second quarter if the G5 sales are as strong as analysts predict.